Wednesday, August 13, 2008


"..Hackers come in black hats, white hats, and every shade of grey. A black hat hacker is one who breaks into computer systems with malicious intent, usually for some criminal purpose. They make their exploit known to other hackers and/or the public without notifying the victim. This allows sharing of the exploit. A white hat hacker identifies and exposes a weakness in a way that allows the system's owners to fix the breach before others take advantage of it. They leave a "You have been hacked" message in the system files or send an email or postcard to the network administrator. Grey hat hackers include network vigilantes who shut down pornography sites, for example, and students who engage in sometimes helpful and sometimes harmful activities.."

---> Although white and grey hat hackers help owners/administrators in some way, nonetheless, whatever color they may be, bottom line is they are still hackers who by definition
breaks into computer systems for the sake of gaining knowledge or conducting playful mischief.

What amuses us is that they are criminals who have different forms yet have "patterns" that could track them down. Hackers are smart, skillful and creative because they have so many ways to invade a computer system to feed their thirst for knowledge and playful mischief.